Thursday, October 15, 2009


So it is probably no mystery or surprise for those who see me everyday that I have lost weight. I have hit the 75 pound mark! That is one giant and loud Whoo Hoo! During this journey I have said all along that I am going to have plastic surgery, when I hit goal(I am not there yet). At least a tummy tuck and maybe perk up the girls somewhat. But I have to admit that I am thinking my new body is looking great. I don't think I would of ever thought this time last year that I would enjoy seeing the extra skin flapping on my arms! I have already said I won't get it removed. So every morning when I check out my skinnier naked body and weigh myself, I find myself becoming equally attached to the empty skin that hangs from my waist. Also, my butt, I have extra skin there too, at the bottom, I pinch it every once and a while(I would let my husband but he thinks it is an invitation for something else). Plus this a body that has weather many storms, has been with me through it all. These imperfections are almost like badges of courage or medals of honor. I am kinda proud of my arms and my toosh they remind me of how far I come and where I don't won't to go back to.

So lately it has left me wondering do I really need to change anything? I feel lighter. I like how my clothes fit, although I am waiting patiently for someone to turn me in to "What not to Wear." I know I am not by society standards of beautiful, but at 42 I am for the first time comfortable in my own skin so I must be beautiful.


Deon said...

very dear - great thoughts as always. I love your blog's look and your blinkie - I found me some, too. And, if I haven't said it enough, HOOORRRAAAYY for YOU!!!!!

Tammy said...

You are beautiful. Inside and out. Now go get some sassy red lipstick and funky shoes - live it up.

Christine said...

LOVE this post! I am so proud of you, you sassy thing you!